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jquery ui

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jquery uijquery ui
  1. A related project jQuery UI provides a set of widgets and common GUI elements for quick use .


  2. JQuery UI Tabs transforms this markup into the new tab interface for your content .


  3. JQuery UI Tabs also provide some custom event hooks within the life cycle of the tab interface .


  4. However , several differences exist between this markup and the HTML structures jQuery UI Tabs expects .


  5. Turning separate pages into tabs with jQuery UI Tabs


  6. The jQuery UI project is an exciting new branch of jQuery that promises to grow quickly in the next year .


  7. This plug-in is part of the jQuery UI collection of customizable widgets and user-interface components .


  8. By making a few changes to this markup , you let jQuery UI Tabs transform it into your tab interface .


  9. JQuery UI Tabs is part of jQuery UI , a set of configurable user-interface widgets and components .


  10. The tabs method of jQuery UI Tabs then transforms that ul and its li children into a tabbed interface .


  11. To create your Ajax tabs , however , those links need to be transformed into a format that jQuery UI Tabs can understand .


  12. Unlike script . aculo . us , the jQuery UI also includes some widgets or components that make the development of attractive interfaces much easier .


  13. Now that you 've looked at the demo , you 've probably noticed how much effect the jQuery UI adds to the dynamic feel of the application .


  14. For example , you define a jQuery UI element dialog using a tag , and then call the . dialog () method to create the jQuery window .


  15. JQuery UI Tabs , a jQuery plug-in , allows you to wrap inline or Ajax content in a tabbed interface .


  16. Finally , the jQuery UI library is built assuming a body font size of62.5 % , so you override its default to size it appropriately .


  17. The purpose of these wrappers is to give jQuery UI Tabs hooks so it knows which chunks of markup to turn into tabbed content .


  18. JQuery UI Tabs turns ul elements into a tabbed interface and turns chunks of inline or Ajax markup into the content for those tabs .


  19. These widgets are completely themable , and jQuery UI includes a wide range of themes that can be used to fit the components to your own particular Web site or Web application .


  20. You 're hiding elements of the page that are no longer needed , revealing elements that are , and telling jQuery UI Tabs to transform the appearance and behavior of those elements .


  21. The history of the jQuery UI project is actually quite interesting and may help explain a little why the project is built the way it is , and why the three parts of the library seem so different .


  22. Some test suites ( such as Yahoo UI , jQuery UI , and Selenium ) have ways of automating pieces of user interaction ( you can write tests like'Click this button the click this other thing ' ) .


  23. This article shows how to integrate these two systems into a single framework and how to use jQuery to improve the UI of an existing Web application .


  24. To be more specific , you 're not just using the jQuery core but also the jQuery UI , which provides widgets , themes , and animation .


  25. To accomplish all this , you 'll use two additional jQuery plug-ins : jCarousel for image slideshows and jQuery UI Tabs for tabs .
